Saturday, May 30, 2009

Yummy King Crab

On Thursday, my brother treated us for dinner and we went to King Crab at Kelana Jaya for seafood. The food was FANTABULOUS! YUMMY! Even Audrene ate! That shows how yummy the dishes were :)

Some pics....

Thank you Uncle Iiiiijaaaa and Enteee Maiii... Hehehehehe!

And have a great weekend everyone!!

3 squiggles:

intheocean said... unfair and cruel to put these photos up! i kecur air liur! you have to take me when i come back...SOON!


AleO. said...

grrrr terliur balik.... i want the crab and the breadddd yumzzz

Miss S said...

u coming back SOON? yay!! yes, we hv dinner there when u balik!!

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